BG-Map TechNote

Running BG-Map with AutoCAD LT

Updated 6/11/07

 This document explains how to set up BG-Map to run with AutoCAD LT.

BG-Map can be used with AutoCAD LT 2000i and later. AutoCAD LT offers a relatively inexpensive alternative for adding BG-Map workstations for users who may not need access to all of BG-Map's features.

At least one workstation must be running AutoCAD or AutoCAD Map. Other workstations may use any combination of AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map, or AutoCAD LT.

Features Not Available When Using AutoCAD LT:

o    Add a Plant to the Map

o    Proposed Plants

o    Mass Move Plants

o    Relocate a Plant

o    Setup Defined Views

o    Setup Plant Group Colors

o    Setup NPO Layers

o    Setup User Defined Symbols

o    Move Text

o    Resize Text

o    Edit Leader Line

o    Edit Group Outline

o    List Plant

o    Editing of Basemap

o    Solid Canopies

How to Set Up a Workstation to Use AutoCAD LT

Note:    If your basemap seems to “disappear” when displaying a map on the kiosk, you need to redo Step 1 below.

Step 1 – Create an “LT” Version of Your Basemap

To use LT, the basemap must consist of an external block on a locked layer.  You will need to create another version of your basemap like this:

1) Open your existing basemap.

2) Save it first using the regular BG-Map save procedure (File/Save Basemap).

3) Then, save it to a different filename using the AutoCAD SAVEAS command – for example, if your regular basemap us XYZMAP, save it to something like XYZMAP_LT.

4) With the new renamed map file open, go to the AutoCAD layer dialog and unlock all layers.

5) Enter the AutoCAD command ERASE.  AutoCAD will prompt "Select Objects" type in the word ALL and press <Enter> twice.  Everything will be erased.

6) Go to the AutoCAD layer dialog and create a new layer, named BASEMAP. Set it as the current layer.  If there already is a layer named BASEMAP, name the new layer something different – like BASEMAP2.  (If you do so, substitute BASEMAP2 for BASEMAP in the remainder of these instructions.)

7) Using "Attach Reference Block", attach the original basemap as an XREF onto this new renamed drawing file at insertion point 0,0.  The original basemap should now reappear.

8) Enter the command -BLOCK at the command line and press <Enter>.  AutoCAD will prompt, "Name of block".  Enter the word BASEMAP as the name, and press <Enter>.  AutoCAD will prompt "Specify insertion base point:".  Type in 0,0 and press <Enter>.  AutoCAD will prompt "Select objects:".  Enter the letter L and press <Enter> twice.  The basemap should disappear again.

9)  Enter the command -INSERT at the command line and press <Enter>. AutoCAD will prompt "Enter block name or [?]"  Enter the word BASEMAP and press <Enter>.  AutoCAD will prompt "Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]:".  Enter 0,0 as the insertion point, and press <Enter>. Then, press <Enter> 3 times.  The basemap should reappear.

10)  Go the AutoCAD layer dialog, and lock all BASEMAP layers (including BASEMAP, BASEMAP2, etc.), and set the PLANTS layer as current.

11)  Save this drawing file.

Step 2 -  Modify the User ID file.

Set up the user ID file for AutoCAD LT.  See “Unraveling the Mystery of the User ID File

Step 3 - Load the BG-Map Menu.

Start BG-Map with AutoCAD LT.  At the AutoCAD LT command line, enter the command MENULOAD <Enter>. Unload any menus that are already loaded.  In the dialog box, click "Browse", and select one of these files:

C:\Bgmapwin\Bgm_LT.mns if you are running AutoCAD LT 2000i or 2002
C:\Bgmapwin\Bgm_LT2004.mns if you are running AutoCAD LT 2004 or later.

Then, click "Load".  Finally, click "Close".

Step 4 - Configure Printers

See “Configuring Printers and Plotters for BG-Map”.